Benkovich/Eckert, Nardoza, Frankel, Zic

Family & Friends.  Welcome to the Benkovich-Zic website.

Thanks for coming to the Benkovich Family & Friends website.   Login or register with the menu above.

Our site is for both family and friends…. so you may see a few people you don’t know at first.

Registration is required, and of course free, not to many things are, so take advantage of it.  We like to know who’s coming by to visit and want to make sure all things are secure. I wouldn’t want just anyone arbitrarily viewing photos, or snooping around our family & friends.

There is contact information available to every family member an friend, so it will be much easier to stay in touch. This information will obviously be limited to the respective membership (who we all know).  It will not be used outside of this site.

Before you can login with the information you submit, we need to approve your membership. This can take several days sometimes, but in most cases it is done within the hour, if not immediately.

You will receive a confirmation email when your membership is complete!

You can view photos in the gallery and news about what’s going on under current events.

For Family members you can leave information about the family via posts or there are forms to fill out which you can email.

The Family Genealogy portion of the site is a SEPARATE registration and you need to fill that out as well.  You can go to the home page here.

Thanks for your interest!







Join us today and share an experience with your friends and family


We will be able to view and update Photo Gallerys, Geneology, or build a community .

Create complex layouts using super simple Drag-n-Drop Page Builder

KLEO is a theme with a great potential, clean, simple and realized with a responsive design, completely suitable for every kind of corporate and business websites.

With K-Elements as a modular shortcodes you can get creative with unlimited combinations of easy-to-use shortcodes and quickly create any type of page you like.

View theme highlights

WooCommerce Ready Feature will be added soon!

With WooCommerce you can sell digital, physical or downloadable products with ease.

Rated the #1 buddypress solution by worldwide community enthusiasts

Some of KLEO Feature Highlights

Membership Ready

Create Membership Levels and easily restrict content based on member access

Facebook Login/Register integration

Easily register or login with you Facebook account. Everything you need is included, just enable the feature from Admin panel

Over 40 pages

Show online status of registered users in real time

Unique Design

Buddypress & bbPress have never enjoyed such great attention to detail. Modern and clean design.

Extremely Flexible

You no longer need to be a professional developer or designer to create an awesome website. Let your imagination run wild and create the site of your dreams. KLEO has all the tools to get you started.

Drag & Drop Page Builder

No coding required in building a professional website. Included as a plugin, K Elements provide unique elements to create awesome pages.

Free Updates

Many great features are yet to come to this theme so be the first to know about.

Outstanding Support

Join our happy community, get help and start learning new things. Also we’re constantly improving and adding new features. You get all the new versions for FREE life-time.
Kleo is trusted by 73,000+ clients and companies worldwide


Presales Question?

This theme comes with an extensive help file that explains how to set up every aspect of the theme, however, we’ll be happy to help you if you need technical support or have any question. Dont hesitate to contact us via our support forum.

Need Support?

This theme comes with an extensive help file that explains how to set up every aspect of the theme, however, we’ll be happy to help you if you need technical support or have any question. Dont hesitate to contact us via our support forum.

Check Forum

This theme comes with an extensive help file that explains how to set up every aspect of the theme, however, we’ll be happy to help you if you need technical support or have any question. Dont hesitate to contact us via our support forum.

© Copyright 2017 - 2024 - Benkovich -Zic a Family & Friends site. NJ Website Design & Development - Birchwood Group 


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